1. Introduction to Extra Uterine Gestation :
The occurrence of extra-uterine pregnancy among animals. Early notices of this abnormality — Changes which occur in the uterus in misplaced gestation. The corpus luteum sometimes found in the ovary of the opposite side to that of the tube containing the ovum.
2. Types of Extra Uterine Gestation
Only three divisions or classes positively necessary- The tubo-ovarian,
- tubal,
- and interstitial or tubo-uterine.
3. Extra Uterine Gestation Symptoms :
- The catamenia usually suspended
- Mammary changes and morn- ing sickness
- Enlargement of abdomen not symmetrical
- Severe pains in pelvis
- A characteristic cry
- Signs detected by a vaginal examination
- The phenomena which follow rupture of the cyst.
- Death may occur from the hemorrhage, or from the subsequent peritonitis.
- When laceration does not take place, labor pains set in spontaneously about the ninth month.
- Cessation of fcetal life, and slow degen- eration of walls of cyst.
- Suppuration and expulsion of fcEtal debris through walls of abdomen, rectum, vagina, or bladder.
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