Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Did You Ever Have Inverted Uterus ?

Unknown  /  at  8:36 PM  /  No comments


 Few Myths About Inverted Uterus

The inverted uterus is also known as the up side down uterus simply because the uterus is in the completely reverse position to what it should normally be, anatomically speaking. However in saying this, there are no problems with having an inverted uterus when it comes to child birth because most women that opt to bear children and have an inverted uterus can easily become pregnant. Pregnancy is not a problem either and giving birth is just as normal and hard work as it has always been whether your uterus is inverted or not.

he inverted uterus is a naturally occurring abnormality which happens in some women. This is where the uterus which is normally located lying on top of the bladder now lies off to one side. The cervix of the uterus which is the opening is still located in the same position however if you were to see a picture of the uterus you might think that it has slipped off to one side.

The myth that women with inverted uteruscannot have children is completely false in the majority of cases and for those women that are unfortunate enough not to be able to carry the odds of this are the same as women that do not have any anatomical change. Doctor suggest the once conception has been provided then the uterus changes slowly back into its normal position and child birth becomes normal again.


Having an inverted uterus is not uncommon in women and usually does not cause any complications through their life. It may at times create some difficulty in child birth however it is said that as the baby develops inside the womb that the uterus will correct itself until the baby is born and then most times the uterus will become inverted again.

There are theories that child birth may be difficult however may women with this abnormality have had no trouble bearing children however on the hand there may also be a problem with the conception stage of child birth because the inverted uterus can make conception difficult for some women.

Unfortunately there is little research done on the condition of an inverted uterus because generally this condition causes little or no problems for the female. Most of the knowledge you will find on the internet is based on women’s personal experience with the condition so for more information you should consult a doctor or approach the family planning clinic who can give you more to go on.

When the words inverted uterus is uttered there is usually a hushed questioning that lingers after the fact. However there is nothing wrong with having an inverted uterus as it is just a different version of how nature decided to create you. Generally speaking the uterus is located in a different position rather than being upside down as the word inverted suggests. The uterus may be positioned to one side of the kidney instead of being on top of it.


The only slight side effect to having an inverted uterus is the extra discomfort and shear pain of child birth. Other than this it has never been medically proven that the displacement of the uterus can harm the person in any way, it does not lead to disease or complications within the bodies’ functionality.
Often medically known as retroverted uterus it is more common that the uterus falls behind the bladder which may put pressure on there at some moments. It is about 1 in 5 women that have this abnormality so there is no call for alarm if the doctor informs you that you have the condition. The abnormality may be genetic or there can be a shift in positioning of the uterus during a difficult pregnancy.

Because of the limited side effects there is little option for correcting the displacement because there would be a greater chance of damaging something of an operation was done. If child birth does become an issue there is the option of caesarean section to make delivery safer and easier. An inverted uterus may cause extra problems in childbirth for teenage pregnancies though this is often the case with young pregnancies anyway.


When the words inverted uterus is uttered there is usually a hushed questioning that lingers after the fact. However there is nothing wrong with having an inverted uterus as it is just a different version of how nature decided to create you. Generally speaking the uterus is located in a different position rather than being upside down as the word inverted suggests. The uterus may be positioned to one side of the kidney instead of being on top of it.
The only slight side effect to having an inverted uterus is the extra discomfort and shear pain of child birth. Other than this it has never been medically proven that the displacement of the uterus can harm the person in any way, it does not lead to disease or complications within the bodies’ functionality.
Often medically known as retroverted uterus it is more common that the uterus falls behind the bladder which may put pressure on there at some moments. It is about 1 in 5 women that have this abnormality so there is no call for alarm if the doctor informs you that you have the condition. The abnormality may be genetic or there can be a shift in positioning of the uterus during a difficult pregnancy.
Because of the limited side effects there is little option for correcting the displacement because there would be a greater chance of damaging something of an operation was done. If child birth does become an issue there is the option of caesarean section to make delivery safer and easier. An inverted uterus may cause extra problems in childbirth for teenage pregnancies though this is often the case with young pregnancies anyway.

An inverted, or retroverted, uterus is a genetic condition affecting around 20% of women whereby the uterus tips backwards (towards the spinal chord) as opposed the usual ‘straight up’ or slightly forward tilted uterus. The condition is nothing to be concerned about and, for the most part, it causes very little hassle. The few times it will cause some trouble is in childbirth. Intercourse can often be quite painful because the uterus is pushed slightly backwards and collides with the spine. Many people think that having a retroverted uterus will cause fertility difficulties but this only occurs in very few cases; the majority of people experience no difficulty in conceiving a child (aside from some pain during intercourse). Indeed, the reverse is often true – some fertility problems in themselves cause the uterus to become inverted; endometriosis being one such example.
One other way in which a uterus can become inverted is during the pregnancy. When the child is growing the uterus expands in order to provide it with more space to develop. This places a large strain on many of the ligaments that surround the uterus. When there is a large strain on the ligaments there is a possibility that they will weaken to a certain extent. However, this weakening is not even so some sides of the uterus become less well supported than others. After the birth, the uterus shrinks once more but the ligaments on one side are weaker causing it to ‘slip’ backwards. This causes the uterus to become inverted.

Posted in: Posted on: Wednesday, March 13, 2013


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