Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prolapsed Uterus Common Symptoms & Surgical Options

Unknown  /  at  11:49 AM  /  2 comments

Prolapsed Uterus Symptoms – Getting Familiar With the Common Symptoms You Observe

Common Symptoms of Prolapsed Uterus Frequently Observed in Women and How to Get Relieved from it.

This condition symptoms need to be aware when women who have reached their middle years. The orientation of the uterus has a lot to do with confusion among women with this condition and an anteverted position. Although the latter shares symptoms related to uterine prolapse, the condition is not as threatening.

This  is a condition where it descends into the pelvic cavity until it slides into the vaginal canal. Muscles that hold the uterus in its place can weaken after childbirth and ageing. Reduce estrogen production is another cause .  

As women age, doctors advise them to take good care of their body and be more receptive of prolapse symptoms. Doing so will help detect and correct the condition at its early stages.

These  symptoms can manifest all throughout the various stages of the condition. These symptoms can progress over time especially when women are in their post-reproductive stages. During the first degree of uterine prolapsed, the affected patient barely notices prolapse symptoms. The later stages of the condition can cause great pain and discomfort to women as the pressure builds up in the vaginal opening.
a live demo image of this condition

The following is an outline of common prolapsed uterus symptoms:

 1. Feeling as if you are sitting on a small ball – The sensation is caused by the pressure as it slides further down the vagina. The patient might also detect a lump near the vaginal cavity.

2. Lower back pain that becomes worse each day – This is one of the classic symptoms that are caused by the pressure in the pelvis or vaginal canal.

3. Sensation of heaviness or pulling – The change in position of the uterus can cause it to pull down on the ligaments and muscles to the point that abdominal heaviness is noticeable.

4. Dyspareunia or pain during intercourse – The dropped uterus in the vaginal canal makes penetration during intercourse uncomfortable. During the advanced stages of uterine  the vagina is already obstructed making it impossible to have an intercourse.

5. Recurrent Urinary tract infection or bladder infection – The woman is more prone to infection from various bacteria because it is no longer in its correct position.

6. Problems when urinating or defecating – Women experiencing this condition have symptoms may also have urinating difficulties. Although the bladder is not yet full, they may have the urge to urinate frequently. It is also common to have bowel movement problems resulting to constipation or rectal urgency.

7. Pain felt when standing -This is associated with enterocele a condition where a section of the bowel pushes against the wall of the vagina. The pain is relieved when the patient lies down.

8. Bleeding from the vagina – Women suffering notice most symptoms in the advanced stages of the condition are likely to have vaginal bleeding.

Familiarizing oneself of the symptoms related to a prolapse   may prevent the condition from progressing to its worst state.

Women should seek medical attention in case the symptoms are already bothering them and is getting more painful to endure. Going to the doctor for a checkup as soon as prolapsed uterus symptoms manifest can sort out problems associated with the condition.

Here are different classifications of the prolapse stages that a Women definitely observes when she is in this condition .


Surgical Treatment Options
  • Laparoscopic techniques – Pelvic organ prolapse including uterine prolapse is one of the most common reasons for gynecological surgery. A large-scale survey of almost 150,000 women found that the lifetime risk of undergoing an operation for prolapse or incontinence was 11.1%.1 The true figure is probably even greater. 2Surgery can  provide long-term symptom relief.Vaginal hysterectomy has been the treatment of choice for symptomatic uterine prolapse. But there are surgical techniques for treating uterine prolapse that do not involve removing the uterus. With the ELEVEST™ procedure, for example, the ligaments are shortened and strengthened using minimally invasive laparoscopic technique to restore the uterus to its anatomically correct position. If you have uterine prolapse requiring surgical correction, ask your doctor if the ELEVEST procedure is right for you.

    Uterine prolapse commonly occurs with other types of pelvic organ prolapse. Therefore, your doctor may recommend several procedures in addition to the one used to correct your uterine prolapse. These procedures can be performed at the same time as your uterine prolapse repair. All of the defects must be corrected to restore pelvic support and provide a lasting repair. Repairing only one of the prolapsed areas may predispose you to developing a prolapse in another area of your pelvic floor. You may then have to have repeat surgery.

    Therefore, if you are having problems related to uterine prolapse, it is important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms and expectations.
Non-Surgical Treatment Options
  • Pelvic floor exercises – In cases of mild uterine prolapse, pelvic floor exercises such as Kegels may limit the progression of the prolapse and alleviate symptoms such as low back pain and pelvic pressure. However, once the prolapse has progressed, the exercises are no longer useful. Additionally, biofeedback may be incorporated into the instruction process to help ensure that the exercises are being performed properly.
  • Vaginal pessary – A device similar to a diaphragm can be inserted into the vagina to help support a prolapsed uterus. Pessaries have been used for many years to treat uterine prolapse, but their use has declined with advances in surgical technique.Pessaries are available in a variety of types and shapes. They must be fitted by a health care professional and require the active patient involvement for successful use.  Patients must learn how to manage the device including insertion, removal and cleaning.


Posted in: Posted on: Tuesday, January 29, 2013


  1. Productive content! I am quite impressive from what you have shared in your blog. Thank you for sharing this blog with us.

    Prolapse of the Uterus

  2. Uterus: Bulky and anteverted. Cavity is empty with normal endometrial thickness. There are multiple intramural fibroids on the body and fundus. The largest is on the anterior wall measuring 9.7×7.6cm. No degenerative change seen. Please explains this results for me.


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